About the Project

Enel and GRI collaborating to strengthen private sector contribution to SDGs

The SDGs were established by the United Nations as the ambitious roadmap towards a sustainable future. The success of the SDGs hinges on the ability to engage the private sector and unleash their innovative power. This notion triggered, late 2018, a new collaboration between GRI and Enel to examine how the private sector actively can contribute to the Sustainable Development Goals. The project focuses on what the role is or should be of reporting and how the establishment of new, innovative partnerships can accelerate business contribution to the SDGs.  This collaboration builds on the success of our joint Reporting 2025 project, which looked at the future of reporting.

The project consists of two phases. Phase 1 explores the linkage between SDG 12.6 as a driver for corporate behavior change with special attention to SDG 17, which looks at creating partnerships for sustainability. Phase 2 focuses on the translation of the learnings from phase 1 into potential concrete actions around SDG Goal 17 at national/regional level, with four regional events in the course of 2020.

The outcome of the first phase has a dual purpose. First and foremost it provides direct input and helps inform the second phase of the project. Secondly the outcomes of this phase will become input to a high-level GRI event scheduled to coincide with the 2020 High-level Political Forum on Sustainable Development (HLPF). The 2020 HLPF will mark the 5-year mile-stone of the SDGs and is a moment for the world to take stock.

In the second phase of the collaboration the outcomes of the online stakeholder forums will be discussed in regional dialogues. The aim of these regional engagements is to explore how the lessons; especially those around effective business models and partnerships can be translated into concrete actions respecting the local/regional context.

Read the Press Release

Download a Summary Report of Forum 1 READ THE FORUM 1 BLOG

Download a Summary Report of Forum 2 READ THE FORUM 2 BLOG