Welcome to the Sustainability Innovation Exchange
Together, we explored how policy can channel the innovative power of individuals towards more sustainable ways of living.
Thanks to everyone who took part in this fast-paced, pioneering virtual workshop! All of the discussions and the materials shared are available to event registrants via the Sessions page.
Whether or not you were able to take part in the day, please take 3 minutes to complete our post event survey here. Your responses will help us, and policymakers, to understand the impact of this type of open consultation process.
Through a series of text-based online conversations led by Cranfield University and hosted by GlobeScan on this site on Wednesday 25th May, we brought together people from all walks of life, who share an interest in trying to innovate for a more sustainable future. Together we are in the process of developing recommendations for policymakers on the role policy should play to support these efforts.
Policy for sustainable innovation
The focus of our conversations on 25th May was on policies for sustainable innovation by end users and entrepreneurs.
Along with its partners, Cranfield University is keen to ensure end users and entrepreneurs can fulfil their potential as innovation drivers in the transition to more sustainable ways of living. Whether they play this role within existing corporate innovation process (which are themselves becoming more open) or within new spaces and networks enabled by technologies and data.
This project has received funding from the European Union's Seventh Framework Programme for research, technological development and demonstration under grant agreement no 613194.