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How can we accelerate progress on Goal 16: Peace, Justice and Strong Institutions?

You can access the discussions from our event by logging in via the links below.

  • Click here to read our online conversation from Session One
  • Click here to read our online conversation from Session Two

This SDG Leadership Forum comprised two live, online 90 minute sessions, featuring special guest contributors and moderated by GlobeScan. Both sessions took place on Wednesday June 26th, 2019. 

The Forum invited attendees to share ideas and experiences on transparency, anti-corruption, institutional capacity building or effective policy support. We explored questions like:

  • What is the role of business and different societal actors in making progress on Peace, Justice and Strong Institutions? What does effective collaboration look like?
  • How can societal actors and business collaborate to push for more transparency? What are the best practices in the anti-corruption space? How should business take action?
  • How can business collaborate with government and others to support capacity building and policy shaping?

What action can business take to make progress on SDG16?

Session 1: Jun 26 '19, 8:55am–10:40am GMT
Session 2: Jun 26 '19, 1:55pm–3:35pm GMT